Friday, September 6, 2013

Can All Students Learn? (TEACH Documentary)

I believe that all students can achieve and learn.  Am I naive or idealistically ignorant?

What about students with clear disabilities and deficits?

Great teachers believe in the student more that the student believes in himself.  The teacher transfers that confidence, trust and vision to the student.  The teacher responds to the potential completeness within every child.  The student begins to see himself through the eyes of the teacher as far above what he thought.  This can only come from love.  A great teacher must love the student enough to sacrificially speak the truth about who that student can be to the student at a time when the student has never conceived of that possibility.  Without vision, people perish.  Without a visionary teacher, the fullness of each student cannot be accomplished.

Biblical principles for teaching:  Matthew 18 - Never confront a student's wrongdoing in front of others.

Speak the truth in love:  Always give the students the true facts about their achievement level.  Never artificially praise a student.

Praise the character traits, not the inherent features of a child.  Saying, Wow, you are persistent. builds the child's persistence.  Saying, Wow, your hair is so black and shiny, builds the child's weakness of gaining status from lesser things which will not last.

I have several disabled students in my own family.

I see them as complete.  Why?  Because God created them spiritually whole and complete for his purposes.  I can trust in their ultimate purpose and significance on this earth, whether or not they can spell well or perform math.  In a classroom, these subjects are the grist for the making of the man.  These are not the man.  An education is the art and science of making a good man, one who is good for himself and good for others in society.  A Christian education is the art and science of making a godly man, whole and complete in good works, selflessly giving his all for the Glory of God.

Tonight I was inspired by TEACH, the documentary on Channel 11.  Can I handle a pubic school classroom?  Yes, I can.